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One Step Closer –
Hospitality Together

What starts at the Sea of Galilee goes worldwide

The OSC Logo includes a table with four seated diverse guests encountering one another at the Magdala crossroads, represented by the mast of the Boat Altar.  

A chalk-white pathway leads into the table displaying the progressive Emmaus encounter and discovery related in Luke 24. Two disciples leave Jerusalem. A stranger draws close and engages in their conversation. On reaching their destination they invite the stranger to sup with them, only to be astonished when he breaks bread for them, and they realize who he is. Why is the fourth person at table? Room is made for more. You are invited to take the fourth seat at table with the disciples and Jesus.

Hospitality is open and welcoming. One Step Closer is to approach each other. It takes time. It’s gentle, respectful, ripe for mutual discovery. In Magdala we experience hospitality together, a welcome respite, one step closer to each other.


Building the Restaurant Together:

  • is an undeniable proof and an irresistible proclamation that we have embarked on a new walk together to help the hungry, thirsty, tired and exhausted by brokenness
  • is the death to all our rancor, division and hatred, judgmental attitudes, exclusion, antipathies, and hostilities
  • is the Pentecost-like resurrection of charity, collaboration, mutual appreciation, fruits of the Holy Spirit
  • is like the Super Bowl ad, which powerfully permanently floats the idea to tens of thousands of visitors that such an unbelievable and unimaginable phenomenon has become a reality, we did it together! 
  • is the flagship of a worldwide process of One Step Closer, overcoming the far too prevalent anti-culture of division, exclusion, judgmental condemnation, and cancellation, which negates the existence of those who express a different opinion
  • helps overcome, by God’s grace, the all-too-prevalent defeatism that Christian division is unsurmountable.
  • is a powerful call to action everywhere, locally, where all visitors return home: The Restaurant accomplished together in Galilee kickstarts a worldwide process! 
  • is a Super-Bowl advertisement that doesn’t replace the hard-work of developing the product, producing, and delivering it. But what’s the chances of the product’s success without the Super Bowl ad?

In Depth Explanations


  • Building the Restaurant together is an incredible sign that diverse credos can work together. 
  • An undeniable proof & an irresistible proclamation that we have embarked on a new walk together to help the hungry, thirsty, tired & exhausted by brokenness humanity which Jesus now restores at Magdala.
  • Is the death to all our rancor, division & hatred, judgmental attitudes, exclusion, antipathies, hostilities and the Pentecost-like resurrection of charity, collaboration, mutual appreciation fruits of the Holy Spirit.
  • Restaurant built together: it’s like the flagship, the Super Bowl Ad, which powerfully permanently floats the idea to tens of thousands of visitors that such an unbelievable and unimaginable phenomenon has become a reality. We did it together! 
  • It’s a powerful call to action everywhere locally where all visitors return home: Restaurant accomplished together kickstarts a process! 
  • It’s the beginning of a worldwide process of one step closer, overcoming the far too prevalent anti-culture of division, exclusion, judgmental condemnation, cancellation, which negates the existence of those who express a different opinion 
  • By God’s grace, it also helps overcome the all-too-prevalent defeatism that Christian division is unsurmountable.
  • The Super-Bowl Advertisement doesn’t replace the hard-work of building the product, producing it and delivering it. 
  • But what’s the chances of the product’s success without the Super Bowl Ad? 
  • Meals bring us to Christ – we encounter him there. Biblical history pivots around meals!
  • Pastors will gather at the Pastors Table to eat and share together, entire groups can mix at Happy Hour encounters, at the Lakeside Dinners pilgrims from different Churches can meet, enjoy relaxed conversation, and exchange great experiences.


Since 2010, thousands of volunteers have blessed Magdala with a spirit of service. We now seek to extend this to our Restaurant Hospitality. Our staff does great work, but hundreds of tired, thirsty, and hungry pilgrims deeply appreciate a personal welcome and touches of attention inspired by Jesus’ example.

We invite your Church to send volunteers regularly to serve pilgrims at Magdala for extended periods. Learn more about our existing Volunteer program at Magdala Volunteers.

Imagine the impact on those who come to dine at Magdala, leaving refreshed in body and renewed in mind and soul. Volunteers, their families, and home Churches will be enriched by the experiences, promoting new waves of volunteers.

Picture volunteers from different Christian faith communities serving Holy Land pilgrims together. Despite our differences, we can provide hospitality together, impacting countless visitors, including those who are not Christians.

We aim to walk closer together, beyond prejudices and judgmental attitudes, embracing the call to “You yourselves feed them!” regardless of our Christian affiliations. We can grow one step closer.

To date, around 3,000 volunteers from various Christian confessions have served in Magdala. Now, we aim to develop this joint service specifically in our restaurant hospitality at Magdala.


The artwork for “One Step Closer” will be a unique masterpiece, crafted by world-renowned artists, reflecting Magdala’s tradition of exceptional and one-of-a-kind creations. From the Duc In Altum structure to the boat altar and the Encounter Chapel, each piece at Magdala tells a powerful story. This new artwork will symbolize the collaboration of Christians working together, embodied in the restaurant’s mission to grow together by serving together. It will be an enduring and celebratory piece, whether a sculpture, painting, or another form designed to festively and musically announce the joy of kindred living in unity, Psalm 133. This artwork will poetically educate and inspire visitors, embedding into their hearts Jesus’ prayer for oneness before he died. “One Step Closer – Hospitality Together” will serve as a vital pedagogical tool, communicating the vision of Christians working together, and illuminating the glory of Christ’s Body, the Church, to every visitor.

What starts at the Sea of Galilee goes worldwide

Pioneer participants are leading others to help build the restaurant, thereby generating the One Step Closer conversation back home.

As diverse Churches send volunteers to host Magdala’s visitors, they will serve together and encounter people from all walks of Christianity.

They will return home & relay this experience to their church communities when they also canvass new relays of volunteers.

Magdala Visitors will also experience the One Step Closer Spirit in the artwork and the volunteers service.

Everyone will take this back to their local communities.

This grace will not return fruitless to the Lord but will generate new fruits locally wherever John 17, 20-23 is taken to heart, maybe stimulated by a Holy Land pilgrimage or even virtual contact with Magdala.

Gn 18

 3 He said, “If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by. 4 Let a little water be brought, and then you may all wash your feet and rest under this tree. 5 Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way—now that you have come to your servant.”

Abraham & Sarah would need a restaurant in their backyard if they were catering to thousands of Galilee’s pilgrims!