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Benefactor Recognition

Hospitality is the antithesis to hostility, and hospitality together brings us One Step Closer

We are Building this Restaurant Together

As disciples of Jesus, we are gifted with the full flowering of the Law of Love, loving God with all we got requires us to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Who is more neighbor than fellow believers in Christ, our sisters and brothers! What is more sibling-like than sweat pouring down our brows as together we provide a place of hospitality and refreshing menus of welcome and encouragement! 

Your donation projects 3 powerfully pivotal parameters which we want to recognize

Affiliation Recognition

We want to show we are building together, all of us together, despite our differences, some of them quite significant.
We, many different Christians and people of goodwill, see beyond our own saucer’s edge, and are stepping out together to serve the needs of others. We are building the restaurant together! 
It’s not primarily about the restaurant – it’s about the togetherness, championing our oneness!  
So, the most significant point we are making is that denominational differences don’t impede our collaboration to serve pilgrims together. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (Jn 13:35.)
Your donation will be most transformative. Therefore, it will be strikingly visible on the oneness stone, displaying together the names of all our Christian confessions who built this restaurant together. 

Local Church Recognition

You belong to a beautiful Church. Your personal participation reflects your faith community. Your local Church will be a blessing to all the pilgrims, showing them here in Galilee the beauty of that oneness which we share in faith. 
Rooted anew in Galilee, your Church will, in turn, be blessed at home. Imagine the impact of your members, pilgrims and volunteers, swaying between your Church’s new Galilee footprint and your whole local region! The same One Step Closer spirit will spread out into your neighborhoods and local towns. 
Go out into the whole world and tell the Good News (Cf. Mk 16:15)! What starts in Galilee goes worldwide!
Do you want your local Church’s name anchored at the Shores of the Sea of Galilee? We welcome you and want to celebrate your concrete sponsorship here in Magdala! Want a more personalized option?

Family Donor Recognition

Your legacy to your family is much more the deeds of love you bequeath, than the words of wisdom you speak. 
A family bond with the Holy Land can impact your future generations. 
Your footprint at the Sea of Galilee will invite your grandchildren and their grandchildren to retrace your steps. 
Jesus said: Come follow me! He brings down all the barriers between peoples, also those between generations.
Your descendants will hear Jesus’ call and return to walk in your footprints on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, hallowed by Our Lord’s feet. Tell your children’s children what mighty deeds God worked for their parents’ parents (Cf. Ps. 78,4; Joel 1:3)! 
How about honoring your grandparents at Magdala in your grandchildren’s names? Like to talk about this possibility?

Anonymity is also respected and treasured.

Your family donation will resonate in your local Church and also represent your worldwide Church, Denomination or respective affiliation. So, your donation can be honored three-fold, because your generosity projects 3 powerfully pivotal parameters which impact our world into future generations! 

Anonymity is also respected and treasured.

Your family donation will resonate in your local Church and also represent your worldwide Church, Denomination or respective affiliation. So, your donation can be honored three-fold, because your generosity projects 3 powerfully pivotal parameters which impact our world into future generations! 

Your donation projects 3 powerfully pivotal parameters which we want to recognize

Affiliation Recognition

We want to show we are building together, all of us together, despite our differences, some of them quite significant.
We, many different Christians and people of goodwill, see beyond our own saucer’s edge, and are stepping out together to serve the needs of others. We are building the restaurant together! 
It’s not primarily about the restaurant – it’s about the togetherness, championing our oneness!  
So, the most significant point we are making is that denominational differences don’t impede our collaboration to serve pilgrims together. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (Jn 13:35.)
Your donation will be most transformative. Therefore, it will be strikingly visible on the oneness stone, displaying together the names of all our Christian confessions who built this restaurant together. 

Local Church Recognition

You belong to a beautiful Church. Your personal participation reflects your faith community. Your local Church will be a blessing to all the pilgrims, showing them here in Galilee the beauty of that oneness which we share in faith. 
Rooted anew in Galilee, your Church will, in turn, be blessed at home. Imagine the impact of your members, pilgrims and volunteers, swaying between your Church’s new Galilee footprint and your whole local region! The same One Step Closer spirit will spread out into your neighborhoods and local towns. 
Go out into the whole world and tell the Good News (Cf. Mk 16:15)! What starts in Galilee goes worldwide!
Do you want your local Church’s name anchored at the Shores of the Sea of Galilee? We welcome you and want to celebrate your concrete sponsorship here in Magdala! Want a more personalized option?

Family Donor Recognition

Your legacy to your family is much more the deeds of love you bequeath, than the words of wisdom you speak. 
A family bond with the Holy Land can impact your future generations. 
Your footprint at the Sea of Galilee will invite your grandchildren and their grandchildren to retrace your steps. 
Jesus said: Come follow me! He brings down all the barriers between peoples, also those between generations.
Your descendants will hear Jesus’ call and return to walk in your footprints on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, hallowed by Our Lord’s feet. Tell your children’s children what mighty deeds God worked for their parents’ parents (Cf. Ps. 78,4; Joel 1:3)! 
How about honoring your grandparents at Magdala in your grandchildren’s names? Like to talk about this possibility?

Historical Significance

Ancient Jewish Settlement
Magdala, known as Migdal in Hebrew, was a significant Jewish settlement during the Second Temple period (around the first century BCE to the first century CE). It was a thriving fishing village and a hub of commerce, contributing to the economy of the Galilee region.
Archaeological Discoveries: One of the most important archaeological finds at Magdala is a first-century synagogue, one of the oldest synagogues discovered in Israel. The site also revealed the Magdala Stone, a unique artifact that features carvings related to the Second Temple in Jerusalem, indicating the deep religious connection of the community.
Christian Tradition
Mary Magdalene: Magdala is traditionally considered the hometown of Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus Christ’s most prominent followers. She is mentioned in the New Testament as a devoted disciple who witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion and was the first to see Him after His resurrection. This association has made Magdala a site of immense significance for Christians.

Pilgrimage Site: Due to its connection with Mary Magdalene and its location near many key sites of Jesus’ ministry, Magdala has long been a destination for Christian pilgrims seeking to connect with their faith’s roots.

One Step Closer

Hospitality Together Prayer

Jesus, you came to dwell among us, totally dependent on our hospitality.

But when you grew, you fed the hungry abundantly, revealing the Father’s love. You accepted human
hospitality from the women who provided for you and for the first pilgrim community of your disciples.

Bethany’s 3-sibling family regularly welcomed you to their home. Matthew, the tax-collector, threw a
banquet for you in his home with his tax collector and prostitute friends who heard the Good News of

the Kingdom from your lips. You organized the Last Supper and washed our feet! Even on Calvary you
were offered a drink and on Easter Sunday evening, some fish! Disciples unknowingly invited you to
supper in Emmaus and you broke bread to reveal yourself to them.

Since Pentecost, the disciples have continued breaking bread together and serving the needy and
destitute along the way. When we welcome them, we welcome you! May we continue to do this
together until we reach the Heavenly Banquet! Hospitality and revelation are intertwined. We want
to go out into the deep (Duc In Altum) to grow one step closer, now, every day, until you come again!

Come Lord Jesus!